33. J.J. Alderazi, #file_links[« C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\file\gsa+en+Web20GSAT5kGeorgiy2312243P2URLBB.txt »,1,N], South Carolina. Of the remaining 178 reports {that|that} {were|existed}}} submitted by volunteer reporters, 118 were considered incomplete, {because|because} {they|our experts} did not meet the inclusion criteria, {i.e.|that is|which means} they did not contain {information|information} about the type of stem cell intervention used {or|or|as well as} about the {situation|state of things|conditions|circumstances|condition} in which|where} they were. undergoing treatment – 60 reports remain, {which|what} {it is possible|realistic|accessible} to be considered “completed ». of {such|these|similar} 60 reports, another 55 were excluded, {because|since|since|due to the fact that} they are {probably|most likely|probably|apparently|obvious|in all likelihood|in all appearances}, {were related to the approved use, which {led to|entailed|caused} the final count of five reports, {which|what} {probably|probably|most likely|apparently}, {were|were related to} unapproved scris.